field trip

So I’m making stuff here as usual, but let’s take a break from all that. Let’s take a trip to the Toronto islands on the Sam McBride.


Bye-bye Toronto!


Hello ducks!


And eccentrically built houses




Fun mailboxes,


fun things mailboxes are sitting on,


and a tiny mailtruck.


Also, a farm, of sorts.  Ahhhh, it’s good to get away.

Untitled Next time, back to crafts.

the humble dishcloth


Double bump dishcloth, from My JewelThief Knits.
Knitted in Rowan Denim in Nashville
Ravelry link

Like the garter-stitch scarf, dishcloths are usually one of the first projects a knitter tackles. At 16 or so, with my typical level of ambition and recklessness, I skipped these steps and instead started with a sweater. A big blue cardigan with a shawl collar. There were lots of mistakes that I fixed intuitively rather than expertly. I had someone block it for me and sew in a zipper since once the knitting and seaming was done I’d lost interest. I don’t think I wore it much. Maybe over my pyjamas on cool mornings, but not outside. The imperfections of hand-knits hadn’t yet become charming to me. I’m not even sure what became of that first sweater in the end.

Anyways, lately I’m in a mood to step back, slow down, and cool my ambitions. How fitting, then, to make some dishcloths? I used a lone ball of Rowan Denim that had been stored in my sock drawer of all places. It pleases me to think that the colour will gradually fade as the cloths are used, but after I machine washed them the bleed shouldn’t be problematic.

I’m working on more washcloths now using a different pattern. This could become a thing.