spring sewing

wiksten tank
To hell with groundhogs, I know it’s spring when my urge to knit weakens and I bring the sewing machine out of it’s winter resting place (a tupperware bin). Pip gave me both Wiksten patterns for Christmas, and that heat wave we had was all the encouragement I needed to get going, finally.

This fabric is fantastic. If you close your eyes and feel it you’d swear it was Liberty fabric, assuming you know what Liberty fabric feels like. It was on sale at The Workroom, but I’d had my eye on it since it’s regular priced days.

spot the pocket

The pocket is nicely camouflaged, if I do say so myself, but for some reason it ended up further to the side than I think it should be. Not sure now that happened. Despite that, I found the instructions to be as fantastic as everyone says they are. Along the way, I managed to waste a load of time making stupid mistakes while distracted. I forgot how fast sewing is and how slow and annoying it is to fix mistakes. Ah well, it’s about the process!