Blocking Terra

I thought a lot about blocking the Terra shawl over the past week. A few times I got as far as wondering where my blocking board had gone, or where my blocking wires had gone. Once I even got as far as looking in the shed. A few times I wondered at the trustworthiness of a vague memory of chucking the lot in one of my tidying sprees.

I leave for Tokyo in less than a week and I’d like to bring this shawl with me, so tonight in my desperation I gave it a wash and pinned it to a rag rug in our bedroom.

Blocking with Blossom

Oh, Blossom. I can always count on her to do exactly this.

Almost done: Terra shawl

I apologize for the poor picture quality. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed lately, and not up to battling with the nonexistent light today. Despite the quality of the photo, I think you can get a sense of the richness of the colour. It slays me.

The above is Jared Flood’s Terra shawl, knit in (also his) SHELTER. The pattern was great, the yarn delectable. For some reason I ordered one too few balls of yarn (bother!) and so I completely missed the second lace chart but that’s not a big deal at all.

I can’t wait to wet-block it and see how the yarn looks and behaves after a soak and stretch. Stay tuned…